2016: A Fic Year In Review

Dec 26, 2016 23:58

Annual meme what I nicked this year from

This years fics are:

Songs My Mother Taught Me (Twelve & A Mysterious Woman Who Is Clearly His Mother.)

Let Them Eat Cake (Eleven and River go to Versailles.)

A Good Night's Work (Twelve finds employment while on Darillium.)

The Reproduction of Opposing Forces (Twissy babyfic, unfinished.)

The Outstanding Chicken Debt (Twelve and Clara go to repay his debt to Casanova.)

Harry Sullivan and the Road Trip of Doom (Harry helps a future female Doctor.)

Fics: 6

Overall Thoughts: Wow, I wrote almost nothing last year. I thought I must have written more than I actually did, but no. Also I see there is a barely-concealed political/ideological agenda in some of them and I am not ashamed.

What's your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest: I think it might be Songs My Mother Taught Me, because it is quite sweet in places. Plus the fact that the Doctor's mother is my most favourite non-character in the series. Like, literally all we ever hear about her is that she's human, and yet I would read any fic about her assuming that it existed which it doesn't because most people don't like the half-human thing which is valid but does mean I miss out, so boo.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
The Harry Sullivan one has the least hits, which I assume is because old-skool and because Harry is for some reason not massively popular even in those circles. Which again valid and my own love for him is semi-ironic at best. I think basically that entire story grew out of wondering whether he could avoid calling the Doctor "Old Girl" if they met while she was a lady.

Easiest Story to Write: I can't actually remember, sorry. I know it wasn't the chicken one, though, because I started that in like 2013 or thereabouts.

Most fun story to write: Maybe the chicken one, because it's just a list of jokes really.

Hardest story to write: I'm gonna say the Twissy one on the grounds that I still haven't finished it and it hasn't been updated since July. I do want to eventually write the rest of it, but I got hit by running out of ideas for some reason.

Fic writing goals for 2017? MOAR FIC. I have a few things half-written on my computer and it would be nice if I could get at least some of them finished.

This entry was originally posted at https://nostalgia.dreamwidth.org/1037218.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

meme, fic-related

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