Jul 02, 2012 01:45
Can't sleep, possibly because I slept much of the daystar hours. But! I have this weird urge to watch some DW that isn't any good. Like Voyage of Kylie, Planet of the Dead, That One With Sontarans In It, The Chibnall Silurians One. I don't know what that means. Maybe it means I hate myself.
But, I mean, I watched the Mel Gibson Edge of Darkness on purpose. That means I can survive anything, right? I lived through that thing at the end that isn't the proper ending or the ending the real one couldn't afford to do properly. The ridic ending that I laughed at. I lived through Craven being called "Thomas" and Jedburgh being British.
So I could probably live through Kylie's episode again.
If I wanted to.
Which I sort of do.
And I don't know why.
nu who,
edge of darkness