So I realised that if I do a few of these a day, I can get it done in a week and then I am less likely to forget about it. Shall I try that? Yes, I think I shall. Memez rok!1!
Also, I think we've talked about this before, but I also took forever to figure out what "slash" meant, in fic. I think it was because i first encountered it in X-files stuff, and it was all this Mulder/Skinner stuff that started with them beating the crap out of each other, so I thought it was for violence. Ah, youthful naivete. :D
Also, yes, the Doctor is the most fun to write because he can do/be anything.
I think it was because i first encountered it in X-files stuff, and it was all this Mulder/Skinner stuff that started with them beating the crap out of each other, so I thought it was for violence. Ah, youthful naivete.
For me it was the warnings and the way it was all Mulder/Krycek so I assumed it had to be AWFUL VIOLENCE like cutting each other up hence the name. Maybe if people had written "Warnings: It's just gay sex"? Though there is that whole subgenre of slash where people have hatesex and sometimes I literally can't find any decent Doctor/Master where they don't do violence upon each other.
Also, yes, the Doctor is the most fun to write because he can do/be anything.
The downside is that sometimes in fic he seems OOC just because of different ideas about how far he can go in one direction or another. Like I find him a bit too romantic in a lot of D/D, but then I don't think of him as especially good at that stuff. (I was pretty surprised when he started flirting with River so openly in S6.)
I remember some nice Mulder/Scully (of course) and some good Scully/Skinner, and Mulder/Skinner and some decent gen fic too. I also remember reading a LOT of really bad and disturbing stuff though. :\
Also, I think we've talked about this before, but I also took forever to figure out what "slash" meant, in fic. I think it was because i first encountered it in X-files stuff, and it was all this Mulder/Skinner stuff that started with them beating the crap out of each other, so I thought it was for violence. Ah, youthful naivete. :D
Also, yes, the Doctor is the most fun to write because he can do/be anything.
I think it was because i first encountered it in X-files stuff, and it was all this Mulder/Skinner stuff that started with them beating the crap out of each other, so I thought it was for violence. Ah, youthful naivete.
For me it was the warnings and the way it was all Mulder/Krycek so I assumed it had to be AWFUL VIOLENCE like cutting each other up hence the name. Maybe if people had written "Warnings: It's just gay sex"? Though there is that whole subgenre of slash where people have hatesex and sometimes I literally can't find any decent Doctor/Master where they don't do violence upon each other.
Also, yes, the Doctor is the most fun to write because he can do/be anything.
The downside is that sometimes in fic he seems OOC just because of different ideas about how far he can go in one direction or another. Like I find him a bit too romantic in a lot of D/D, but then I don't think of him as especially good at that stuff. (I was pretty surprised when he started flirting with River so openly in S6.)
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