Romana would be tricky to do well. Trying to get the right amount of Time War impact, particularly since everyone's got their own ideas.
I mean on the one hand, she pretty well cut ties with everything, which is an argument against her being too broken up over it, but on the other hand, there's a big difference between "I'm moving away, probably permanently" and "I don't care if everything is destroyed".
I'd probably go with Moar Broken, because I can't really envision a psychologically healthy Time Lord after the war, and because I like breaking characters when I write them. Also, if Romana snapped, I'm convinced the results would be interesting. But you could do a good fic with her being hurt but fairly together about it. Not really one where she's skipping happily along totally unconcerned, though.
You tend to do it in crackfic, where it works better. It makes sense for crackfic!Romana to be all "You killed our entire species, you silly man! I'm mildly annoyed at you. Never mind, there's a Snakes on a Plane joke!"
Serious!Romana would be quite tricky, and there'd almost certainly be people telling you that you interpreted her wrong, whichever way you went.
Heck, even with the novels, the Virgin novels, the comics, and Big Finish, there is variety in canon, so I wouldn't sweat it. Make up your own and call it an AU. I think there is some Post War Romana/Leela/Leela's baby story, in Big Finish with the Companion Chronicles. River could be the Gallefreyan/Human daughter of Leela. In Big Finish Leela becomes Romana's bodyguard/friend. Not all Gallefreyans are Time Lords, but they are longed lived. But as Romana possibly called the Doctor to help in the Time War and Gallifrey's Civil War that broke out at the same time (Big Finish again) I can see River hunting down the Doctor thinking she will save her mum, her planet. Supposedly Romana took Leela (And the baby?) through several universes, so it is very likely that they can show up. Romana as president during the Time War did call on the Doctor's for help, so I imagine there would be some discussion on whether he did what was best, the only thing he could think of to do, or if maybe he should sought out other dissenters....
I think she would be all sorts of affected, but decline to let the Doctor see it, because… just because. I mean, I would. Which might come across as heartless, but probably not as lulzily as in the sample to which you refer. Anyway, Eleven would know she was just keeping a stiff upper lip, though Ten would probably take it at face value and throw a tantrum.
Just to be contrary -- are your character's Loom bred Time Lords or Womb Bred Time Lords; that is are they sterile? Also is it possible in your canon for a Time Lord to take the watch thingy and become something other than an Earth human? It can be a bitter sweet reunion-- where Romana and Eleven try and fail to capture some of the fun and whimsy of their relationship, but even though they are the last of their kind, they find they have outgrown each other.
Comments 16
I mean on the one hand, she pretty well cut ties with everything, which is an argument against her being too broken up over it, but on the other hand, there's a big difference between "I'm moving away, probably permanently" and "I don't care if everything is destroyed".
I'd probably go with Moar Broken, because I can't really envision a psychologically healthy Time Lord after the war, and because I like breaking characters when I write them. Also, if Romana snapped, I'm convinced the results would be interesting. But you could do a good fic with her being hurt but fairly together about it. Not really one where she's skipping happily along totally unconcerned, though.
She doesn't seem to mind enough in fic. I am totes guilty of that as well, because dealing with two of them seems really really hard.
Serious!Romana would be quite tricky, and there'd almost certainly be people telling you that you interpreted her wrong, whichever way you went.
Also is it possible in your canon for a Time Lord to take the watch thingy and become something other than an Earth human? It can be a bitter sweet reunion-- where Romana and Eleven try and fail to capture some of the fun and whimsy of their relationship, but even though they are the last of their kind, they find they have outgrown each other.
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