omg. best. cliffhanger. EVAR.
So the cliffhanger on part five of Seeds o' Death is Patrick Troughton being attacked by FOAM. It is Teh Fucking Awesome. I WONDER IF TWO WILL DIE OF FOAM AND BECOME THREE? OH NOES!
Part four got less dull as Zoe used her powers of awesomeness/recall to crawl through some air vents and then turn the heating up to killinate/confuse Teh Ice Warriors on the moonbase. Then she got a cliffhanger where she was all "omg hlp me plz doctah!!" when he was several corridors away and UNCONSCIOUS. Dammit, Zoe, you were being clever until then!
Part five has Zoe NOT DYING AFTER ALL and she escapes and presumably walks over a dead body to do so. Since The Might Trout is back from his holiday and thus the Doctor is no longer an obvious stand-in, our hero wakes up almost immediately and then has to hug everyone. Blah blah they all go to Earth via transmat and then there is SKIENCE and FOAM. Currently the Doctor has gone off to save Zoe and Jamie, who have managed to lock themselves in a building with an Ice Warrior. I promise this was not as stupid of them as it might sound, since they didn't know it was IN THE BUILDING at the time. That is the building outside which the Doctor has been cliffhangered by FOAM and is going "Omg, Zoe, let me in, I am being ETTED BY FOAM!"
The sssseedsssss have been revealed as a plan by which to EAT THE EARTH'S OXYGEN. Luckily they can be destroyed by, umm, water. I will forgive that because the scene where this is discovered is MAGIC because it has Two flailing about throwing things on an inflating balloon.