Somewhere at the front end of this year of computer nightmares, I had a podcast. Anyway, it's back!
PodPodPodPodPod The most IMPORTANT bit in it though, is that Just Plain Big are playing our SECOND show of the year. Again at the Tiki Bar in Newport Beach, opening for Gene Loves Jezebel! I foresee a lot of 40-somethings in black clothing. And some of them may be us!
We go on at 10:00, second band. It's $10 at the door, $15.50 through ticketbastard.
Just Plain Big (no, I haven't updated it with the date yet...)
Gene Loves Jezebel on WikipediaApparently there's a 5th band I didn't know about until just now?!?!?!? So we're an active band again, I guess!