Trick AND treat

Oct 31, 2021 20:00

So we never get trick-or-treaters, because our house is on a street which is really unpromising - houses fairly far apart, fairly far set back, and only on one side of the road. This time we didn't even buy any candy. If anybody comes, they're going to get $3/bar fancy fair trade chocolate. I'm betting I get to keep my chocolate.

However, I decided to do a trick, and it was a treat!

It's a little late in the year to go waterskiing. But we did it anyway. 58° in the water (warmer than average for this time of year), a little warmer than that in the air but not much. Ken and I wore wetsuits - Ken's wetsuit has a big hole in it, so it wasn't as useful as it could have been, but it's better than nothing. The neighbor, who came with us, doesn't have a wetsuit. I thought that was crazy. But, I did advertise the water temperature when I asked if he wanted to join us, so he was warned. A good time was definitely had by all, even cold people. In fact, a good time was had by some people who live halfway down the lake, who were hanging out on their dock. They recognized our boat and hollered to us as we were changing personnel, and then sent me pictures. And while we were skiing, and the neighbor was spotting, he also took pictures!

This is probably the last run. I thought the last one was two weeks ago, but we got to go today.

Me skiing (I don't know why this one is worse resolution):

Ken driving (and me skiing):

Before my ski run:

As seen from the shore:

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