Boat report

Aug 29, 2021 22:35

So, the boat was out of the water because of Henri, so last weekend Ken put the muffs on it with the hose (this puts water into the intake and enables you to run it in the driveway for testing), and with some fussing, he was able to get it to idle. So we tried again today, and seemed to again have success with keeping it running in the driveway. So we took it to the launch ramp. It had more trouble in the actual water, but we were eventually able to get it to stay idling. There was a bit of the circus act to go from "fast idle" to "putting the boat in forward fast enough to keep it from stalling", since there's an interlock that prevents you from putting the boat in forward when you are in fast idle, so you have to go to slow idle, where the motor might die. If you're quick enough, you can keep it from dying. We learned all about this last time when we were trying to get it from stalled in the middle of the lake back home.

Anyway, it went! It went fast! It did not die at high speed. In fact, some of the time we were even able to go at idle speeds, and get it to idle in neutral. Sometimes it would die in neutral, but it was certainly acceptable behavior. So it's back on the mooring, and we'll try skiing some time. We have no idea why it is working now when it was not working two weeks ago. Crossing fingers that it will stay working for another, say, three weeks. I could have the season over in three weeks.

And it's definitely time to call boat motor dealers about getting a new motor next year.

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