My cat is useless

Jun 05, 2021 20:05

Today, while cleaning the kitty potty, I noticed some ants. In an effort to understand where they were coming and going, I moved the kitty potty away from the wall. Where I discovered mouse droppings. There are mouse droppings next to the kitty potty. Are you serious? That means there are mice next to the kitty potty. What are they thinking? I guess, they are thinking that the cat is completely useless, and so it's completely safe to just wander around next to the kitty potty.

Now there is a mousetrap in a shoebox (so the cat cannot get her paw trapped). We will find out if it's the kind of mousetrap which allows the mouse to take the bait without getting trapped (I kind of think it might be), and perhaps go to the store and buy different mousetraps.

There is also one of those ant bait things in a plastic blueberry container, so that the ants can get in, but neither the mouse nor the cat can. (Not really so worried about the mouse, since its fate is sealed elsewhere. Apologies; I do not have a heart.)

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