Bad cat day yesterday

Mar 23, 2021 16:09

So I had been pretty happy with how Jetty was responding to the new food - her bowel movements were improved, and she was happily eating it. There was one day where she didn't eat (Tuesday or Wednesday), but she had done that one time before, and chow down the next day. So, on Saturday when she again didn't eat anything, I wasn't completely alarmed. But then late Saturday night she was having a lot of trouble walking. I thought maybe it would help to get her to eat, and so I tried to entice her to have something, but she really wasn't interested. So I went back to bed.

Sunday morning she was having even more trouble, and she still wasn't eating, even tuna water and her old food and anything else I could think of. Plus I gave her an anti-nausea pill in case that was the problem. Now I was getting alarmed. By Sunday night she was having an enormous amount of trouble walking and still wasn't eating. By Monday morning she couldn't even stand up, and now had stopped drinking.

I don't think this was just a random reaction to the food, I think that something more serious had gone wrong inside her, and she was just shutting down. She was still using the litter box (until Monday when she ran out of output and steam), so I don't think it was a intestinal blockage or something.

Anyway, I saw the vet Monday evening, and we had the "last vet visit". As I reported earlier, it was a little surreal sitting in the parking lot - I asked before making the appointment whether I could come in for the last vet visit, and the answer was "yes" - they've got a little room in the back where you don't have to pass by any people, so it's just you and the vet in the little room in the back. Which they have put little artwork and stuff on to look very compassionate and all that.

Anyway she was pretty much comatose by then, so I just sat there petting her until the end. (And a little bit longer.) Then I came home and spent a long time petting Downy, who is still very much alive.

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