Valerie got her first shot!

Feb 02, 2021 22:23

She had an appointment for yesterday, but the snow canceled it. She went online this morning to try to reschedule, and discovered appointments for today, so she snagged one. Unfortunately she didn't notice that it was for a time in the past until she had completed the registration process. (Note to website designer: this appointment should not have been offered to the user!) Anyway, she decided to jump in the (four-wheel-drive) car and go throw herself on the mercy of the check-in people, who said "just come on in!" So she got it, no side effects yet.

Meanwhile us young'uns have to wait until "general population", and hope that there will still be vaccines when that happens.

My parents also got their shots! I might be going to visit them after they get their second one even though obviously I will not have gotten any yet. Little concerned that people running around partying will make a fourth wave, and make it much less safe for those of us who are not yet vaccinated. But I think I need to go visit them before, like, summer, or whenever I would actually manage to get one.

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