More fall projects

Nov 05, 2017 20:56

DW wasn't working for me, but now it is. Whatever.

We moved the boat into its winter home. This entailed moving the utility trailer, which has been collecting yard waste all summer, so we hooked it up to the SUV and took it to the brush dump. Got inspired and raked up a few tarploads of leaves. There are many leaves still on the trees, but at the beginning it's all about quantity.

In other news, I got the bone density records from the doctor. One reading of the values is in fact "you're 57, deal with it." I'm 0.3 standard deviations low for my age group. Which is to say, pretty close to normal. I started more calcium supplements, and dithered about "weight bearing" exercises, kind of doing some but also still bicycling. So maybe I will continue calcium supplements but revert back to my old exercise plans. Hey, raking is good for weight bearing! But it's only for a few weeks. Maybe there will be good snow and x-country skiing this winter...

I read Strong Women, Strong Bones as recommended by
lauradi7dw. I don't really want to switch over to their exercise system, and I remain unsatisfied with the conflict between "jarring" and "safe for bad knees and plantar fasciitis".

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