What happened to America? What happened to our education system?
Didn't we settle this in 1925 with John Scopes?
The "Theory" of Evolution, while not only proven and observible, is an almost 200 year old institution institution. Today, the State of Kansas votes on whether or not to abolish the teaching of this in favor of a new theory of Intelligent Design (ID).
ID is a theory where life was created by an "intelligence" (god, without saying "god" in class). Evolution couldn't happen, because the complexities of life are to diverse and specified to be explained by random selection.
The problems with this theory is that it says god exists, and the proof is complexity of life. it also says that species relation are random, and that natural selection has no rhyme nor reason to it.
Not only is this assinine and flawed, but they're forcing it on students. Pennsylvania is already teaching it alongside evolution.
Science class should teach what science says, not what fundimentalist christians like the Chairman of the Kansas Board of Education. I've been taught theories in science class that were later proven wrong.
Also, the main argument for teaching ID in classrooms is that a majority of Americans believe in it. As i've said, evolution is a proven fact. Since when does science get decided by majority?
Speak out. Don't let this come to pass. Call the ACLU, call your congressman. Don't let Creationism's Torjan horse pass the gate!