trip... yay!

Sep 02, 2007 14:29

Reuben and I just spent a few days out of town.

Thursday afternoon after my stats class we headed up to Anchorage to a parrot socialization seminar put on by PEAC. Liz Wilson was the speaker, and I really enjoyed it. .. I've been reading her articles for a while, and agree with her viewpoints. It was nice to see her working with behavior problems first hand, and be around other people that have the same interest as me, since there isn't anyone that I know in person that shares this interest with me. She seemed really impressed that I'm learning so much BEFORE getting a bird, and shook my hand when I told her that. I was able to buy her second book of articles and get it signed, so more reading for me!

I also met a brown throated conure at Petco... and saw some really cute GCCs. They make me wish I wanted more than one or possibly two birds in my life, because they've got great personalities. I still worry about what bird I will get, only because of the grey dust around the macaw. And because I still wish could get a little bird... the budgies were freaking adorable!

We spent our first night sleeping in the car at Potter's Marsh and woke up to people at the rifle range across the highway. The sleep wasn't THAT bad, but not so great either.

Friday we went to Palmer for the fair. It was great weather for it. We wandered around there and watched acrobats, racing pigs, looked at some bonsais and flowers, saw some funny ducks, pet some cows and goats, and watched a litter of REALLY cute baby piglets. And I ate some awesome corn! There were fireworks at the end of the day and we sat on the grass and watched them while they ecoed against the mountains.

Then we went back to our home bas at Potter's Marsh to discover... A LOCKED GATE! So we wandered around, found Bird Creek campground... and decided $15 was an insane price for a palce that doesn't even have any road upkeep. So we went and slept on the edge of the Safeway parking lot. I was worried about that, but it ended up being nice. I got pretty damn good sleep, considering I was ina Neon at a grocery store. We had someone's generator going infront of us for a while for some nice white noise. The only bad things was a long wlak to a bathroom... but no woods pissing or outhouse germies!

Saturday we hung out in Anchorage. I got some stuff that I needed - sports bra, weight set, pedometer, set of drawing pencils, drawing book... Overall it was a really nice trip. I felt good to get out of town for so long.

I hope Reuben got plenty of sleep and is feeling better. He's got some of that bronchitis going around. I bet the musinex would help, and my bro might not need the last of his prescription cough syrup. My mom said he could have that if that's the case.

Zoe was really happy about her goodies I got her. She just LOVES Petco goodies! She seems really happy to have me home. Now I just have to go through the worst thing ever about trips... unloading everything.
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