Jun 05, 2004 18:09
Woot! I made my jounral pretty yesterday... kinda. But it's fucking weird. When I look at it signed in it's pretty but when I'm not it cut's the dude off from The Used. Mer...
This week has kinda been shit. My dad's an asshole and I know when I go to his house tomorrow I'm going to be fucking grounded becuase the only reason he's got is "I was pissed off at him." I want to stab him.
Annnyyywhhoo. Yesterday was shit and I was being emo and crying about everything. I went to Becky and Kenny and Steve came over there. We watched Donnie Darko... well atleast I did and Kenny pissed me off like whoa. Sometime I want to stab him too.
Then he picked his nose and ate it and I forgave him for pissing me off.
"Steve was smoking a bowl in the car and I just couldnt let him do that all by himself."
I got nothing to do tonight besides chill with Ryan. Mer... hopefully some fun will come out of that.
I made $100 at work this week which is good becuase I need money for when I leave. They actually work me a lot now which is both a good and bad thing. And someone forgot to get there change of 20 bucks so I ganked that also. WOOT!