
Dec 15, 2005 01:41

What up all. So update the last week. Well last week at work was interesting. I worked both shifts on Thursday and my boss wanted me to work Friday both shifts as well. The soux-chef(sp?) which is like a assistant chef for those that don't know was like, "Give him the morning off cuz no one's on the books." So she did, and it was sweet. And the past few Friday's it's been slow and I was the only person in back working, no hottie coworker. So she told me the week before that she would work cuz she wanted some extra $. So I told my boss this and she said OK, but I would be "on call" in case it got busy. So technically I could have had the whole day off. But no, coworker calls and is like, "work instead of me." So instead of being back up, I was the main guy, and it got frickin busy, but I actually handled it pretty well. Good times. Then Saturday rolls around. I'm getting everything ready at work. Hottie doesn't show. And still doen't show. And she never did show. So either she completely blew us off, or she's dead. Good times, huh? She wouldn't answere her phone and there was no answer at her house. I left a voicemail on her phone days ago and she still haven't called me back. So I guess I find out what happened tomorrow when I go into work. I hope.

Anyway, so today was awesome. A)Had my last final and officially start spring break, B) Got into a class that was full that I really wanted C) Got an 'A' in Philosophy (What now, bitches?) D)Had Chipotle (Always good in itself but if you have it on a good day like today it makes the whole day that much better) and finally and kinda nerdy, E) I sucessfully created a Bittorrent Search plugin for FireFox all by myself! (Shut up, its usefull)

So that's pretty much it.
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