Ass tree oil, among other things

Oct 25, 2007 03:10

It's absolutely ridiculous when you have to go from running your heater one day to turning your air conditioner back on the next.

Seriously. Monday night it was freezing here, in the low 40's. We had the heater on and I pulled out my comforter to put on my bed since it gets so cold in my room. There is only one small vent in there, so it's the first room of the house to get cold again after the heater goes off.

The comforter is nice, by the way. It's the Jack Skellington comforter Hot Topic was selling last Christmas. It's not as soft as a down comforter, but it's still pretty damn soft and is warm, warm, warm, which is the most important thing to me. I never put it on my bed last year after I got it, so it made for a good test run.

Anyway. By the time it reached the late morning hours when the sun was almost at its peak, I woke up sweating my ass off and kicked the comforter and one of my blankets off.

Oklahoma: The State where the weather can never make up its damn mind.

I'm not sure what has been up with me lately, but I've been feeling antsy for the last couple of weeks, like it's hard for me to sit still for very long. It's almost like cabin fever, only you'd think I'd be used to sitting around at home by now. I'm going to assume it is me just being impatient waiting to hear back from Sam's about my orientation and attempting to keep myself busy. Some of my activities have included cleaning, or at least straightening things, and cooking. And I don't mean cooking little meals for just myself and Robbie, but food for everyone. I cooked dinner for the majority of last week and twice this week. Tuesday I made chicken noodle soup and tonight was spaghetti with meatballs.

I've decided that spaghetti is one of those foods that is hilarious watching a small child eat, particularly a small child who doesn't quite have the spoon coordination down just yet. It is amazing how many different places a toddler can get spaghetti sauce. He had it in his ears, behind his ears, in his hair and up his nose. It took a couple of minutes to get him cleaned up, which didn't really make him happy, but he had a lot of fun eating. I've uploaded several pictures to my MySpace if anyone wants to go look. You can also see the stupid haircut he was subjected to, too.

If anyone wants to add me, feel free. My email address is

Now I just need to get pictures of him eating rice. That was hilarious, too. He ended up putting the bowl on his head and had rice all down the inside of his outfit.

So far, the plans for Halloween are coming together nicely. I may have to make some changes to my costume if the weather continues to be cold at night, but it won't be anything too major. I'll just wear pants and my knee high boots instead of the skirt and boots. I still need to stop in at a costume shop in an attempt to find a pirate hat for myself. I have a bandana that looks like a pirate flag that can always work in a pinch though if I can't find one.

It's kind of funny, this year is going to be the first year in quite awhile that I'm not going to any sort of Halloween party, but it is already gearing up to be the best Halloween ever. We bought our tickets for Haunt the Zoo for Halloween and plan on going Halloween night. Within the next week, I want to take him out to a pumpkin stand and let him go nuts as we pick out a pumpkin. Carving a pumpkin should be amusing with him around.

Yep. It's going to be an awesome Halloween. :)

In more Robbie news, he has more teething coming in finally. The bottom left incisor and the top left canine. He's been very uncomfortable because of this, it doesn't seem like Motrin kills all the pain. Last week, he was chewing on his right index finger so much he rubbed blisters on it. He was still chewing on it a bit over the weekend, so a couple of the blisters popped and his finger turned red around the area. Since he's been home, he's been leaving it alone for the most part and it is getting a lot better. When I called the doctor on Monday, they said to just keep him from chewing on it, maybe by wrapping a loose Band-Aid around it and, if he left it on, to put a little Neosporin on under it later on. Well, he didn't leave the Band-Aid on at all, so that idea went out the window. I don't like putting Neosporin on anything he can get into his mouth easily.

Then I had a flash of brilliance Monday night and put a little tea tree oil on it. Since it's all natural, I'm not worried about him getting any in his mouth or in his system, plus since it is an antiseptic, it'll keep the area clean. Not to mention the fact it tastes like ass and it keeps him from sticking his finger into his mouth. Within a few hours of the first application, it was looking so much better. The blisters started to dry up and the little bit of swelling was going down by the time he went to bed. I've been putting it on him regularly since then and it continues to look better and better each day. It's still fairly red, just like how your skin normally does after you've had a blister, but nothing out of the ordinary. With how active he is with his hands, I'm sure he has whacked it a few times, which doesn't help with the redness, but it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain. He'll just sit there and watch so intently while I'm rubbing it on his finger. If he'll let me, I'll sit there for a minute and blow of it so it'll dry then dab a bit more on. By that time though, he usually wants down out of my lap to continue playing or will lean forward so I need up blowing in his face, which is the funniest thing in the world to him right now.

Let me just say though, that the look on his face was priceless the first and only time I've seen him stick his finger in his mouth after an application. Again, it tastes like ass. But it's so damn versatile. You can use it on pimples, blisters, cold sores, small cuts and scrapes, you can put some in a hot bath when you have a lot of head and chest congestion and the fumes will help clear your sinuses, you can put it in your hair, brush your teeth with it and a ton of other things. I think they even make shampoos, conditioners and body washes with it. I know for a fact they make tea tree oil toothpaste. It too tastes like ass, but apparently it's supposed to really help with whitening your teeth.

I'd say no medicine cabinet is complete without a bottle of tea tree oil.
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