Apr 19, 2007 20:04
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't carrot baby food supposed to smell and taste like, oh, I don't know, CARROTS?? I swear this carrot baby food I got for Robbie smells, and tastes, like tomato paste. I had mom smell it and she said it smells like carrots, I had dad smell it and he says it smells like carrots, I smell it and I smell tomato paste.
I'm not sure if maybe my sense of smell is just messed up still from the migraine, but one of these things is not like the other.
Yes, I am still fighting off the migraine from Tuesday. I started feeling the onset of pressure starting to build up behind my eyes Wednesday morning around 4. I took some pain killers for it and that took a bit of the edge off. It almost felt like a sinus infection, but not at the same time. For one, my sinuses are clear, I haven't had any allergy problems for a few days. Two, this was more of a localized pain, it doesn't follow along the path of the sinus cavities at all. It's just right there behind my eyes and, in yesterdays case, behind my temples.
A little bit of browsing and research has lead me to the information that migraines are more common women and anyone on hormone therapy. I guess this makes me doomed as I am both a woman and am on birth control. A quick check on a site for the possible side effects of Depo list mild to severe headaches as one of them.
So, it's either going to risk getting pregnant again, which isn't something that would be very preferable right now, or risk getting massive headaches on a regular basis. Either way, your sex drive is pretty much screwed. I won't become too worried about it unless the headaches start becoming more problematic, in which case it will be time to start exploring other avenues of birth control. I'll be willing to take pills everyday if it means avoiding regular headaches like that.