Note to self: When someone asks you if you would like some sunscreen, you say YES! Or face the wraith of the giant day orb and come out looking like a rock lobster. As yours truly discovered once again yesterday at the Medieval Fair.
Every year when the weather is hot, I always forget how easily I burn at the beginning of summer. So, I'll go outside for a few hours, not thinking about it, and before the night is over, will be a lovely shade of red that rivals the color of the vests they wear at Sam's Club.
All hail the red!
The pictures really don't do the color justice. The flash bleached it out a little bit as it looks much darker in person. It's not quite so bad today. It still hurts, but drenching my back and chest in apple cider vinegar last night before I went to bed and today after I got up has taken quite a bit of the stinging sensation away. The little that is left is eased with Solarcain. Solarcain and I have become intimately involved over the last few years. You'd think I'd learn, huh?
Aside from the sunburn after the fact, the Medieval Fair was pretty fun. Jason and I got there sometime around 12, walked around looking at the booths and the various sights and ate ne of the obligatory fair foods. A giant turkey leg. Well, actually, that was mine since Jason didn't want any. Though, I completely forgot to get a funnel cake like I was planning to until we had already left. We stayed until about 3 when his knees were really starting to hurt, and I could tell I was getting the aforementioned burn.
One of these years, I'm going to have to go when I have a few hundred extra to burn on whatever the hell I want. It probably won't last me a long time, but still, the year when I didn't have to worry about not having enough money to spend was awesome.
I was really disappointed I didn't get to dress up like I planned on. I was going to go for the belly dancer look again. Thursday night, while looking for my hip scarves, I found the bag with the supplies I bought years ago to make a tribal style top. The wild bug of craftiness bit me and I decided to start and finish it in three days. It was going great, I got the straps on the bra modified and started decorating it, getting the trim and one layer of the coin tassels done in one night. Then, whilst attempting to break up a dog fight Friday morning, I got snapped at and some skin was taken off of my right index finger. While I am right handed, I use my left hand quite a bit when I am sewing, so I couldn't work on it anymore. Ah well, I'll have it done for next year. I've rediscovered how much I like sewing, so I'll keep working on it while my ideas are still fresh in my mind.
All in all, it was a really good weekend. I didn't get much of anything productive done, not like I really felt like it anyway. It was just laid back, which was nice. Friday and Saturday were spent mostly playing Kingdom Hearts. I'm going back through it again on the expert setting and trying to find everything I missed the first time through on normal. Sunday was the Med Fair, and then we went up to the store for awhile, where I got talked into joining the Warmachine campaign. Not I just have to get my models together. I haven't really felt like it in the last couple of months. Now that I have gotten myself out of the funk I was in and feel like hanging around people again, my motivation has started to come back. The kick from Jason maybe helped a little bit, too.
Next weekend I'll start working on that. Getting them together, at least. That's my main goal for right now since they don't have to be painted to play. I just want to get the base coat on them first.