Feb 17, 2009 20:39
Aaron: Yeah, I hate it when participants come at ya like they know what they're talking about
◄ When they don't 4:09:36 PM
◄ It's easy to get flustered 4:09:40 PM
◄ PCRA is something specific to Schwab 4:09:45 PM
Emma: ah i see 4:09:50 PM
◄ so reliance doesnt have them 4:09:55 PM
Aaron: I think Reliance plans can have it.... 4:09:55 PM
◄ maybe..... 4:09:57 PM
◄ I don't kow 4:09:58 PM
◄ know... 4:10:00 PM
Emma: urgggg 4:10:00 PM
◄ youre not helping!!! 4:10:03 PM
◄ jk 4:10:04 PM
Aaron: but either way, if it's available, it'll say it on the funds list 4:10:08 PM
◄ it'll say PCRA Brokerage 4:10:11 PM
◄ If it doesn't say that, it's not available 4:10:17 PM
◄ PCRA stands for like... Personal Choice Retirement Account 4:10:29 PM
◄ We give their money to Schwab, Schwab lets them go fuckin' bananas and invest in anything their peasized, money-grubbing monkey-minds can think of. 4:10:52 PM
◄ Want to invest in mangos, Koko? You got it! 4:11:05 PM