(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 19:00

A very, very, very big thank you to make_a_move for the Christmas card (yes, hon, I could read your writing!), to clandestine269 for the beautiful postcard from New Zealand -- very unexpected and it made me squeek -- and to Melissa2u and ladylardence for the U2 dvds! Melissa, the things you sent me were really unique! And Dawn, I'm still dying over the "buckets full" and Larry "tooning the drooms". :D I watched the Late Late Show today and squeeked mightily. I started to watch the Unauthorized, but had to fastforward 'cause the guy calling B. "Bone-oh" drove me up the wall and back down again. But I was enjoying the MTV thing, especially Larry going completely silent when Kurt Loder asked him if he saw "his bits" in the Zoo TV stage show. Unfortunately the Devon-air-raid-siren went off mid=way through that, so I had to leave it for another day. Heee.

I do have to say, and I think maybe only one other person on my flist might understand this (though if more than one do, yay) -- Nini -- but, watching Wide Awake in Dublin, especially hearing the notes for the intro to A Sort of Homecoming, absolutely had me in tears I was so homesick for Dublin. I was there first the year after that show took place, and the missing Dublin was almost a physical ache when I was watching it. I can't explain it otherwise, really. It's just -- I always loved Michigan and living in Ann Arbor, where I grew up, but when I went to Dublin from the moment I set foot there it felt like I had finally come home. It was just an incredible, overwhelming emotion that spilled through me from the instant I arrived, and which made me cry my eyes out when I had to leave. My life is here now, back in Michigan, but I still miss Dublin more than I ever missed Michigan when I was away. When I was away, living in Europe, I missed Michigan a little and my family a lot. Back home, I miss Ireland like a best friend lost. Anyway, now you all think I'm crazy, right? ;D

A quick update on Devon. On Christmas morning he woke up with a slight fever. We gave him baby tylenol and went to my mum's down in Ann Arbor as planned. By 4pm, though, he had a 105 degree fever. We took him straight to the University of Michigan hospital, since we were still in Ann Arbor, and he spent most of the night in the Children's Emergency Room. In the end they decided not to keep him, just to send him home with antibiotics for his pnumonia and ear infection, but man was it a scary, stressful night for Devon, Dad and Mum all. Luckily, today he is seemingly almost completely better and back up to his usual mischevious, energetic ways.

Finally, another update on my nephew's band, Canada. In December the band was Spin Magazine's band of the week, or whatever they call it, which is really cool as Spin Magazine is a big time national music press, and also last week a radio station in New York City featured one of Canada's songs and discussed it for several minutes after playing it, then offered it as a free download for a limited time. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,500 people downloaded that song over the next two days! That's an enormous number, way above average!

By the way, those who I promised copies of Canada's CD to, don't despair. The band had sold out all their copies, so I've had to request them from the record label. I'm going to get the band to sign them as well, if I can, before I send them out. So you will be getting them, it just may take a little time to get them and get them signed.

canada, devon, xmas prezzies

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