Update? porqoui?

Jun 02, 2007 00:54

Ya know it has been a while since I updated this...
Hmm, the new things in my life. I really enjoyed the winter and had the opportunity to stay at timberline with some strangers I met on the way there and really enjoy my time. The snow was wonderful and I look forward to this next season and hopefully being a little more prepared this time around.

I strangely enough seemed to lose weight over the winter months for which I am glad as I like my self image better now.

In recent months I took the plunge and bought myself the motorcycle I have long wanted. It has proved to me a much pricier endeavor than I imagined, but I am managing the thing pretty well. I believe that there is little left to spend. I am honestly going to be quite grateful for that moment as I realized the other day that I have spent exactly what my long dreamed of camera costs.

The plus side of that is that I now know how I need to manage my money in order to afford such a thing in the future.

I have settled all but one of the cash debts I owed previously. That last is in the works. I will be grateful when that too is behind me.

Riding a motorbike is really very fun, I do believe that I shall always have one to ride for the rest of my life, though I may at some juncture put the sport bike into track only mode and keep a cruiser for the street riding. We shall see. I have so many hopes and aspirations and only so much time and income to devote to them. I keep telling myself that as soon as I pay off my credit cards I will feel free enough to travel the world without feeling the weight of that resposibility behind me.

I am really hoping that I am indeed correct. Time will tell. I have felt time passing lately and a definite sense of lonliness in the companion department. I have many wonderful and affectionate friends, but I am truly seeking something more close to home.

Work has been serving me well income wise, but my level of contentment and stress has risen due to the changing nature of my industry. It may end up expediting my transition either back to school or into a different field all together. Luckily there are many related fields I can move into which have the chance of being prosperous as well.

My love life, well, I date sometimes, and meet people a lot, though I really do find that though man are exemplary of ideal dating candidates that there is just no spark a lot of the time. Nice meeting people though. I just desire some passion and chemistry.

I have taken up ballroom dancing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I have long wanted to do both and have made it a point to at least begin the process so that I can decide if I really want to continue. They are both awesome, and I know I will do more of it as time goes on but there are definitely going to be breaks in regularity due to financial obligations elsewhere.

Summer is upon me and there is so much potential to enjoy myself. I really hope to break out of the habit I am in of thinking about going places every summer and then never doing it. I ought to go buy a camping guide and just go to it. I am sure I can find someone to go with me if I show the initiative.

All in all my options feel boundless, I am happier in many ways than I have ever been before, and there is room to drastically improve my lot in life by taking mroe time to myself and refocusing my outlook on several key areas. I believe that is what I desire to do in June as I am kinda in loner mode a lot. Just out doing what I do.

I am enjoying the friendship of several people new to my life. I am also branching out in many areas to expand my experience and social groups. I think I might be experimenting somewhat in one of those shifts that sneak up on you as you get older where you are basically letting go of some old things and minimizing in some places to maximize in others.

I always like the end result of those scenarios.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the men and women in the armed forces and civilian contract groups who are fighting for their country, whether they agree with the politics or not, they manned up to do a job and I thank them for their dedication and courage.

My friend Chris who today achieved his long term goal and finally got his badge. Congratulations dear sir.

I honor all of you for your 1* I pray to whatever might hear me and give a shit that you all come home safely form your shifts tours or just your neighborhood bar. You have my love regardless and I thank you for sharing yours with me.

Till next time, game show kids...
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