Yesterday was fabulous :'D
Sankyuu for inviting me and Chibitalia/Shacho,
starfishyfish ♥
To start off the story... I think it'll make more sense if I back-track a little to the night before...
well, first off.. me and Rhiannon were in Somerfield getting shopping for the mum (or Rhiannon putting lots of weird stuff crumpets into our basket||| ) and I got a call from the mum saying that Re-chan and Karen were there.. I was like "WHAT?" because I'd expected them to come up at, I dunno, like 10 at night? OTL (I hadn't gotten any sewing done yetttt T_T ) So Rhiannon amused them till Shacho got there and then they left soon after that T_T sorry guys if I was anti-social or something|||| We eventually gave up on trying to complete our costumes on time and decided on something a bit more casual;; and...then.. the horror (sorry America!)
[Twilight TL;DR start!]
I expected it to be alot sappier than it was..
Bella was really frickin weird O-o She was all angsty and grumpy and seemed to have an implied problem with her step-dad but she didn't really like her real dad either. All of their scenes were awkward but not..because the characters were awkward together (which I assume was the intention) but just because the dad character seemed like he wanted to be out of the film ASAP XD She was mopey and anti-social, the bit where the two female friends of hers (names? What names?) tried on prom dresses (eww) and she decided to go to the bookstore seemed REALLY RUDE O_O;;; When she talked to Edward she just seemed to breathe heavily and pause alot. They had NO chemistry whatsoever!!
Edward was a total stalker!! "I like to watch you sleep" LOOOOOOOOOL We all died laughing when he said that and I spent most of the film shouting at him for being such a stalker XDXD He also desperately wanted to be Angel. With the brooding and his forehead
All the women in the film just basically seemed to exist for the sake of getting a boyfriend (minus Alice)... the only even slightly good thing was when Bella told that other girl to ask Eric(?) out, to be pro-active, but that still leads to the conclusion of "your only need is to get a boyfriend"..
The special effects were ridiculous (as was to be expected) and half the time the way they'd whited-up the vampires LOOKED TERRIBLE!
yeah. Qwis liked it O_O For someone's who always going on about how good his tastes are |D *amused forever*
I could go on but;;
[Twilight TL;DR end!]
Got up the next morning. Drew my eyebrows on (LOL, this made me horribly amused for way too long) and we made an extremely make-shift headscarf for Shacho...she looked a bit like an elf because it was red XDXDXD! *shot*
Got on the c2c (it was only gonig to Liverpool street though!!!? Which I guess was useful for us because we had to pick up the french Vogue for Qwis) and rambled about various things like what it would be like if Abe and Edward swapped stalker stories and various Hetalia-related things. Got on the wrong train and ended up taking the long way round T__________T So we were an hour or so late OTL
We got to the museum, stared at a bit of the Berlin wall, went inside to the submarine and then found England~! ♥ She looked very incognito her her hat |D She led us to the gift shop where Doitsu *hug*, Poland, Eesti(your voice is so cuuutee!) and America were messing around with all the random stuff :'D like those weird coded fans that me and America couldn't figure out what the last message said and the sound recorders that now have stuff like "KOLKOLKOLKOL" and "Poland is the best!" recorded on them OTL
We wandered around the museum, "oooh, ahh"-ing at various costumes and information. We found a sign for the Suicide Corner...ZETSUBOUSHIIIIIIIIIIIITAAAAAAAAAAA! *so totally have to go there in Zetsubou Sensei cosplay* oh wait.. you're not allowed to take photos in there...Damn! We also found a computer where you can search for people who were in the army (I think) obviously we searched for Arthur and Alfred..then Peter.. and then like Gilbert and Roderich XDXD (who obviously weren't in the British army!) We also ventured into the trenches after a quick Pocky break. They smelt really strange...sort of like incense!! LOL and we were all walking really slowly so we didn't bump into each other |D
Afterwards we sat in the museum's Picnic Room for about two hours..or however long XD
We snacked on random stuff *will have to make sure to bring more picnic friendly food next time OTL* and talked about even randomer stuff. Also Poland taught us about the Polish Finger exercises (ignore how bad that sounds)... I think I'm addicted. *goes to teach everyone in my class it*
Then we headed outside..
MANRY POLAND PIGGYBACK, because England had cramp ;-; (and we didn't have any salt to cure it XD )
Some amazing facial expression XD
Eesti and Poland played Hopskotch (a game which seems entirely pointless! XD)
and then we invaded the see-saw. Can't remember the cause of the pointing XDXD
England's turn!
America is being all dignified, in her side-sadle-see-saw-reading pose!
The swings were free so me and Poland did a sort of three-legged race kind of swinging didn't really work because I kept swinging in the opposite direction XDXD OTL (I guess that suits Sealand though.. putting in lots of effort but still going the completely wrong way |D *sparkle*)
*can't remember if this picture is in the right order or not but OTL*
Courtesy of Kirkland Delivery services, we moved over to the roundabout...where Doitsu became of Pushing *sounds so bad* and me and Eesti totally failed at spinning the roundabout around |D I kept missing the bars whenever it spun around *eye-hand coordination ftw*
We shifted to the climbing frame. Poland was all ronery by the roundabout reading something but eventually she was converted over to the climbing frame team |D
England put on Doitsu's coat and decided from behind it looked like she was flashing I offered my long black fuzzy coat for full flashing potential XD
The logical conclusion to the above image was, obviously, to put on EVERYONE'S coats ALL AT ONCE!
which resulted in this rather hilarious image.
...and this one!
Shacho with her coat returned.
When you pull that face you look more like Romano XDXDXD
Deciding that we'd had enough of the imperial war museum, we headed to Covent Garden to look for tea for England (who I can't stop calling Iggy!! Sorry!)
We sat on the train and decided that although we were only going two stops at the time that it was blatantly the best time to swap mobile numbers! Um, I think I got everyone's apart from America OTL (send me a PM if you don't have mine) Realised I had two missed calls from El OTL
So when we were back above ground I texted her then after a long rambley phone conversation (sorry, I'm very nervous on the telephone!! ) we decided to meet up at Covent Garden Market.
Whilst we were waiting, we went to the tea shop and they had some amazingly named teas there ("Precious Eyebrow") and considered having a Hetalia Tea party |D I didn't dare venture upstairs where all the fragile teapots were kept, oh my chronic clumsiness T_T
We headed towards the marketplace...
As we walked past this guy you could just hear people saying "Sparrow" over and over |D
We watched some guy's magic show for awhile, something to do with America I think XDXD
He made a joke about there being no humour in Germany and we were the only ones who laughed XDXDXD OTL (and for entirely different reasons I guess)
Eventually we congregated outside of Lush meeting up with El/Austria and Korea (..breathing in the toxic fumes of handmade soaps XDXD) once we'd reclaimed the members of our group who had been spirited away by street performers we shifted slightly more towards the station so that we'd be more findable to Prussia and South (although we just sent Doitsu to get her bro anyway). Poland spread the Polish finger exercise game (LIKE AN INFECTIIIIOONNNN)and we made fun of Prussia's in-the-honour-of-Wolverine-facial-hair XDXD
Went for food and sat in uhh..Leicester Square(?) in the midst of a football match OTL||
After England had her McDonalds disaster burger (who knows what was in that O-o) her, Eesti and America went home ;-;
We ended up going to the Trocadero, in search of bowling but it was all full. So DDR, parapara and um some taiko-ish game happened and me and Chibitalia/Shacho just sorta stared in awe XD
I totally wanna see Korea parapara with the long sleeves on 8Db <3
So we wandered around HMV and looked at some crappy films |D Prussia has seen Nosferatuuuuuu!! WIN!! And Korea has seen "I'm a Cyborg, but that's ok" <3333333
El found a film called "Swedish Erotica" LOL
So she took a picture of me and the film to send to Lina!! Poor Sweden-papa!! XDXD
Unfortunately we had to leave pretty soon after that OTL|||| *clings*
But either way, it was super fun :'D I can't wait till next week ♥