Writing Status

Aug 08, 2018 20:08

All stories are located at my writing journal etchedindigital.

Current Projects

None atm

• Territorial Pissings † Yaoi † ~wip~
I only wanted to play with Badou and Giovanni, but now I've got Haine in the mix and some bullshit going on.  Still scribbling this in my notebook whenever I'm bored at work.  I don't know where it's going, but it should be interesting.

• His Body. A Traitor - Chapter 2 ~HOLD~
Shortly after his frustrating and self-loving shower, Hwoarang receives a visit from Jin. Told from Jin's POV.

Pipedream/Hold Projects

• Lustful Game series ~HOLD~
  → Chapter 04 - Bryan/King? ~playing with the idea~
  → Chapter 05 - Feng/Kaz/Feng ~This will either be IC fucking, or a really kickass fight.~
  → Chapter 06 - Kaz/Lee
I'm open to more pairings for this, but I haven't felt motivated to write for this in a while.  I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone.  I haven't abandoned this, just... looking for a bit more inspiration, I guess.  I'm tempted to play with some T6 guys, though, that might fuck up the timeline.  Lol, like this story was about plot and continuity...

• Pirates ~HOLD~
The title says it all and I'll say no more. This was a fleeting idea I thought was sexy. It's a long way off from being completed, though...

• Tainted Love - Chapter 2 ~HOLD~
This would just be an excuse for more Kazuya/Lee bondage. Kazuya needs his revenge after Lee humiliated him. And Lee is still wearing those sexy shoes that Kazuya can't resist...

• Untitled King/Marduk idea ~HOLD~
Really, this is very spartan and incomplete, but I put it here to remind myself that I want to do it. I like the idea of King/Marduk (or Marduk/King) and wanted to play around with some hardcore bara. (Lol, not that my other Tekken stuff could be considered non-bara XD)

• Nova - Unmasked ~HOLD~
I = Evil.  I have nasty thoughts of just peeling Nova's clothing away piece by piece.  That little mod soul is so self-conscious... I wonder what it would be to see him so trusting... or so violated.  (I'm still up in the air for who would do this to him.  Chad or an OC baddie).

• Untitled ~HOLD~
This was borne from a conversation with cryptjo over at y!gallery.  Something along the lines of getting Renji, Gojyo and... someone else into a fic together.  I've come up with a premise to get Renji over to Saiyuki-land and see what kind of amusing, short (read: not 30+ chapters) adventure they could get up to.  Would anybody even care about this?

•  A Gladiator's Ambition ~HOLD~
  → Chapter Two ~hiatus~
This one is on the far far back burner.  I'm just not in an Achillus/Aiden mood.  My absolute knowledge of Roman civilizations is a bit rusty as well.  Well, I *know* about it, but not as in-depth as a writer who is writing about it!  We'll see how this goes.

•  Experiment in Foolishness ~HOLD~
My own private experiment. Freewriting at it's best/worst. I really ought to plot things more than I do.

•  Hourglass of Fate ~HOLD~
He sought ultimate power, but the devil's bargain snared him, and he found himself at the wrong end of the spellbook.

• Monastery of Dolour ~HOLD~
Based off a vision I had while trying to get to sleep.  Not as vibrant as when I was in El Salvador, but still very compelling.  Possibly another gift fic for Mike.

•  Plague of Demons ~HOLD~
  → Chapter 1 - Such men should not bear crosses ~complete~
  → Outlining character backgrounds, plotting major flow of story
Just writing this thing... don't know where it's going... a nice mix of fantasy, history, filth and evil all rolled into one.  Not *gasp* gay, actually a GEN story.  I'm not in the mood for romance, but more of a rotting plague one... with demons and Plague Doctors.

•  Rough Static ~HOLD~
The first chapter inspired me to plot more of this history. It's turning into sexy WWII vampires and electric curses.
Must plot and develop characters to this FIRST.
→ Petronious' backstory
Gentleman's backstory

•  Secret Tomorrow ~HOLD~
Haha, nobody remembers this one except for me.  Every time I look at my notebook I see all the work I put into it.  I can't let it fester in oblivion.  Daisuke will reveal his secret and save Alexis.

•  Sleeping Beauty ~HOLD~
The classic fairytale told from a slasher's pov and with more character development/buildup. Female/Female.

•  Unnamed Amnesia Fic ~HOLD~
  → Chapter 1 ~to start soon~
This is my summer story.  I plotted this out in 2005 on the plane to El Salvador and I want to get it written this summer as a graduation present to myself...

•  Unnamed Fantasy ~HOLD~
This is one of those epic ideas that will be sprawling across 40+ chapters of epic character development, conflict, angst, violence, despair, trials, and everything else. Very slashy. One of those everyone is gay and fucking everyone stories.

• ZPlague ~HOLD~
Met an artist on DA.  Working on a collab based around a futuristic London with zombies and plague doctors. My first collab, so I hope it works out well!  Here is a link to his art that started the acquaintance.  I love it, and I think it'll really translate well to what I have in mind.  Let's see how it goes!
  → Chapter 0

•  Outline of a Dawn of Dreams PWP ~HOLD~
I also have an idea for a Roberto/Munenori/Roberto fic.  I don't know if I'm in the mood to write something so lengthly, though.

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