A couple days ago it was Earth Day and I happened to watch Oprah with my mom. One of the segments on her show was talking about the Dolphin slaughter that happens in Japan every September. I'd read an article in the paper about it, so I was familiar with it, only this time I got to see video of the event.
I wish I could type more about it, but this topic disturbs me so much that I can't bring myself to find any video from the episode. The ocean was thick with red blood, the dolphins were trying to leap out of the way, and... it was one of the most awful pieces of video I've ever seen in my life. I can't even type out what I saw... I'm so upset just remembering it.
I'm writing this post now to pimp out the link that Oprah said to check out. There is information on the site about this, as well as ways to help stop it.
http://savejapandolphins.org Pictures and video are kept in their own gallery, so you won't be blasted with them when you first click the link (which is why I'm so late posting this. I was afraid I'd see more pictures, which I just can't bear right now).
If you're not interested, please don't pay attention to this post. I don't expect everyone to be as affected by this as much as I have been.
x-posted @ dw