fic_indexer @ Delicious

Apr 29, 2010 01:20

fic_indexer account @ Delicious

I created this account to bookmark fandoms/pairings that were rare and of interest to me. Because there were so few of them on the internet, I wanted to "catch em' all" and share my findings with anyone who shared my love for that pairing/fandom. (Initially it was Knubbler fanwork in the Metalocalypse fandom, which, if you are familiar with it, is MASSIVE and Knubbler stuff is so tiny that, to my brain, it was mandatory that I do this.) Recently, I went through all the sites I could think of to index some Resident Evil: Outbreak stuff with Kevin/David stuff. I'm sure I missed some, but I think I caught quite a few.

I created this account to index any fanfiction, fanart, or fanworks that are of interest to me. It's primarily to bookmark individual fanworks I thought were good (rather than the usual method of bookmarking the archive where all fanfics are found). I have created a tagging system that will make it possible to search for very specific things in fanworks. Tag bundles have been used to separate the main areas of searching that may be of use to people.


/ fandom
What fandom are you interested in?

/ orientation
general fiction, hetero, slash, yaoi, yuri?

/ type of fic
fanfiction, fanart, fancomic, fanfic archive, fanart archive?

/ characters
Individual tags for character names have been created to make narrowing down work VERY precise

/ pairings
Any/All pairings present in a fanwork

/ author/artist
If an author or artist have made a large number of things in the index, I've added their name to the bookmarks. Makes finding a favourite author's stuff easy.

/ language (other than English)
I created this recently to cover some non-English fanworks. I only speak English, so I won't be adding to this too often unless I happen across something in my searches. Any recommendations for fics to add to this are welcome.

/ length
finished/unfinished? one-chapter/multi-chapter?

/ rating
G, PG, PG13, R, NC17

/ optional tags
Miscellaneous tags that didn't fit into the other bundles.

There are some fandom-specific bundles, which cover large groupings of tags that all fall under that fandom. These include character tags and pairing tags.

If you know of some fanworks you'd like added to the index, or know of a treasure trove of goodies that I could index, comment to let me know.

fanwork, fandom, links, !public

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