Awesome Tekken fic + Video

Oct 20, 2009 02:13

Kat just sent me a lovely Tekken fic that I read instead of going to bed at a decent time.


It's a Hwoarang/Jin story and has some lovely fighting in it, as well as following canon very closely after Hwoarang's T3 ending.

I would have just posted it to my Readers' Advisory post, but I know a lot of my friends enjoy Tekken, too, so I thought I'd pimp it here as well.

Ninja!Edit: You know what's awesome?


image Click to view

This looks pretty damn nice for a fan video!  (Makes me worry about the Real Tekken movie that's coming out, but I won't think about that now.)  Just enjoy the pretty story.

Thanks, sammei for sending me this.

my: recs, youtube, 'slash/yaoi, +fandom: tekken, !public

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