Birthday, Etc.

Nov 27, 2006 23:18

First and foremost I'd like to send hugs and thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes - be they thru computer, phone, or in person. It was a happy birthday, albeit a long one. I've decided that I'm never working an 8-hour shift on my feet on my birthday ever again. It's a new rule that I've just made up. Birthday massages, on the other hand, are quite lovely, and I shall henceforth require one every year. Of course, birthday sex is happy too. :)

Thanxgiving was also happy. Hanging out with my parents is always fun, and this time I was actually able to stay for longer than a day. Screwed up my plans a little, but it was well worth it. :) I love cooking with my mum, and discussing life with my dad. I love hanging out with them and Matt, since we all get along well. I also love tasty food, since I rarely have time to cook at home between school and work... and work... and work...

The only sad part was that my dad is still sick. He currently has a cough so bad that it bruised his ribs - literally - he has a huge purple bruise that covers his entire lower abdomen. It looks pretty painful, but also rather impressive. I would paint it, but I'm not using much colour this year, so it probably wouldn't translate well. Sigh...

Speaking of painting, tho', it's finally going really well. I've convinced my self that it's alright to work on multiple paintings at once, and consequently, I've been remarkably productive. Photography is also going well - still experimental, but well. More on that, or perhaps pretty posted pictures, in the future.

In other news, Jo is working on my laptop dilemma, and good news seems to be on the horizon. No word yet (or fundage) for a digital camera, but perhaps after Christmas or my loan refund next semestre... Finals month has officially struck with a vengeance, but all is reasonably well. Life is happy, but busy. School is fun, but exhausting. Work is... work. Sleep is nice, but fleeting. And relaxation closely resembles a hazy memory on the distant horizon of some long-forgotten shore in a half-remembered dream.

Oh, and it's snowing.*
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