Hiya! I'm not dead. Yet. Anyways. Christmas is coming up really soon. Wow. I can't believe it's Thursday. All my greatestjournal friends know this, so, you might as well know too:
I'm going to that person on Tuesday. And, if I say one thing wrong, and say how I'm really treated, I'm going to be taken a way from my family, never be able to see them again, and be put in a foster home. And, I really don't want that. I really don't. So, I'm just a little more than really scared. My mom always said I was the one who was going to break up the family, and, she's right. My family is in my hands right now. It's up to me if we're a family next year. No one else. So, I have like 8964594756546 running through my mind right now.
Alrighty then? Alright.
The Simple Plan DVD is the shit. Kthx bye. Making layouts for livejournal is really hard. Since well, go look at my
greatestjournal. I like making those layouts and stuff. I got sick of my old one. It looked really nice. Well, that's my update for livejournal.