Sometimes I forget (how much I love the Bumble)

May 02, 2017 12:12

It's sorta weird, to have a "favorite" in the way I love Razor and how he's just the "it!" to me. I can feel bad about it, but mostly it's just what it is.

Rumble is such an easy dog to like. He's cute, not too loud, goofy, snuggly. But he's easy to let slip from your mind as well. He's trouble (often) and he's easy to distract with shiny things.

But I love the Bumble. I do. And when I ran across this video I made for his first birthday (I forgot I made this!) it made me tear up.

He had SUCH a wonderful first year. He spent it in the Multnomah house. He had Nova! we went on hikes, went to the beach, met and made friends with so many dogs and people. Rumble's first year was da bomb.

image Click to view

Plus, what a friggin SMART puppy! he learned things so quickly.

I love you Rumble. I really do. Just in a different way. I'm SO glad you're in my life.
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