To Hell (aka NEW JERSEY) and back...

May 30, 2007 17:23

So it may have not really been one hell of a trip. It was just one of those things you hear about and never think actually happen.

I was sitting in a dark room in a Quality Inn in New Jersey. Yes New Jersey. Area code 609. For some reason that number looks familiar....anyways...during the ride back to DC from New Hampshire Kate's car began to over heat. One of the pipes holding the antifreeze either broke or came loose and completely drained the coolant which caused the car to suddenly overheat at 80 mph. So we had to pull over into a creepy motel parking lot. Since it was memorial day, EVERYTHING was closed and the AAA truck driver took us to a mechanic shop to drop off the car. We then walked a half a mile carrying our bags to the Inn and got a room. In the morning, the mechanic quickly fixed the car and had us back the road by lunch time. We finished the drive and I missed work on Tuesday. So it was a weird ending to a Memorial weekend trip that was fun, exciting and entertaining. And yes. I still don't like New Jersey.

True story: Did you know that everyone needs ass at some point in their life?

Relationships are hard and I'm not very good at them. Its been proven before. I'm selfish and blind to the real issues. Slow to anger they said, but my feet trip easily since I run so head strong into what I think is best. I hope the ground doesn't hurt as much as the truth. We argue a lot and I think its because we care more then we did before.

I was so stressed out. DC rescue me.

If I catch you watching "On The Lot" I will break both your legs and if you're a filmmaker I will pull out your eyes too.

Looks like I'm having a poker night at my place Friday night.

My house is a mess. Well not a mess to the point that anyone can walk in and the scent of rotting garbage destroys them but a sense of mess that I wouldn't eat off that surface and that the 5 second rule becomes obsolete. I work best and feel best in clean spaces. I organize at work and I'm very tidy. I like the places where I live to be the same and of course I give and take. When I lived at my parents house. I'm probably the most laid back. Well there are a lot of people in that house. That's why you should never try to pick up after everyone. As for my place in DC. Well my room is the best example. Things get picked up, but there are little neat piles everywhere except for the floor usually, but what bothers everything else. Overflow of trash, hookah coal ash everywhere, weed flakes, sticky residue and pounds of dust balls covering the communal areas. Of course its a guys house and certain things will slide. Guys like living in their own filth. Its like building a nest, but it really shouldn't go beyond your own living space, especially if you keep your personal living space clean and the communal areas unclean. So I'm moving to an apartment. A smaller space and should be easier to keep clean and decorated. Thanks to craigslist I expect to fill the place with furniture. Even if I could afford to live here. I'm gone. It's time to move on. I have too much bedroom space and I could use the extra cash (for real). Its been fun. I wish we partied more but with everyone working its hard for us to all be in the house at the same time. What did I learn? What I think is clean is never what someone else thinks as clean. At least the ants won't go hungry.

I hate stress head aches when they come at the end of the day.

Well, shit is starting to hit the fan. I'm down 4 grand. Doesn't sound too bad. We'll find out in the end. Lord help us. Peace.

PS> Thanks Kanye.

I had a dream I can buy my way to heaven
When I awoke, I spent that on a necklace.
I told God I'd be back in a second,
Man It's so hard not to act reckless.
To whom much is given, much is tested
Get arrested, guess until he get the message.
I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny,
And What I do? Act more stupidly.
Bought More Jewelery, More Louis V,
My momma couldn't get through to me.
The drama, people suing me,
I'm on T.V. talking like it's you and me.
I'm just saying how I feel man,
I ain't one of the Cosbys i aint go to hillman
I guess the money should've changed him,
I guess I should've forgot where I came From.
La laa lala wait till i get my money right
La laa lala then u cant tell me nothing right
Excuse Me, is you saying something?
Uh, uh, you can't tell me nothing.

new jersey

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