another dream

Jan 22, 2006 22:28

Weird dream again. This one involved Dee, and a truly evil stepmother. Her stepmother was controlling her life, and made her go out to the barn to eat, when she let her. The stepmother figure was odd in itself, despite the fact that Dee doesn't have a stepmother. Anyway, Dee had snuck out to the back of the barn to get something from the fridge that I guess was in there, and her gorgon-like stepmother came out to stop her. Then, at one point, we were in the cafeteria at school, and it was sort of like an outdoor arena at Dee's, but it was the cafeteria... In any case, the stepmother made it so that these trees and vines that were alive and monstrous were taking over the cafeteria-arena-place. I think it was part of some big punishment ordeal that she was putting Dee through. Sometimes I had a hard time figuring out if the thing(s) convering the cafeteria was just some magical overgrowth or if the stepmother was actually part of it.

We were fighting to get out, and I think we were close to getting away, or beating Dee's stepmother. But the overgrowth kept coming, and then it started coming at us like vine-whips, and we couldn't stop them, because they were too fast, and we could barely see them. When we did see them, it was always too late. We never got hit, though. Then, for some reason Naruto showed up and started helping us. He was throwing his kunai and shuriken, and these weapons that sort of looked like frisbees but they were straighter. He was moving through the air so quickly that it was like on the anime, where he pops in one place, then disappears in a blur of lines, all in that really jerky fashion? I'm sure I described that wrong, but oh well. So he tells us that by attacking the vines (and this one big vine in particular) and getting his weapons stuck in them, he can slow them down so we can see them, and then we could trap them. Somehow we won, and the vines/trees/overgrowth/stepmother was trapped and sealed (into the ground, I think).

The End.


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