Jess 1, Zombies 0

Dec 02, 2009 14:31

I dreamed about zombies last night. I had to fight them in this high rise, going to different floors on the elevator, and they just wouldn't stop. I even went up to the 27th floor, which happened to be the roof, but they were scaling up the sides of the building and I had to kick them back. These crazy, fast, rabid undead things... it was exhausting. I wasn't terrified but I was very worried I wouldn't make it. I only had this barbecue steak fork thing, and used it to stab the zombies. Obviously it wasn't exactly efficient or even effective half the time. I did manage to get out, but barely.

I figure it was my mind's way of worrying about my exams. In which case, that's okay, because I'd much prefer to dream about kicking zombie ass than writing exams - I do enough exam writing in real life, and not so much of the battling zombies (there just isn't time). The good news is that I did make it out of the zombie infested building alive, so there may be hope for me yet. We'll see. I'm not so sure about German, but that's next week, and I can't really stand to worry about it quite yet.
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