Sep 19, 2005 23:32
Life continues to be rather insane, and my IMing skills are becoming quite developed. Speaking of which, if you have Yahoo! or MSN messenger, I want your screenname!
My life has turned into physics and rugby. I decided not to do fencing because I like having a bit of breathing room in the week (so I can actually go out and do stuff or do my homework, etc.). Rugby is awesome though: we have our first game this Sunday against UNC and I'm excited. I might not get to play much though, because I'm missing Wednesday's practice.
And that's because...dum dum dum...I'm going to a symposium put on by the honors program, and Carl Wieman is speaking. None of you have probably ever heard of him before, but he's a Nobel laureate who teaches at CU. He got the Nobel prize for discovering a state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate (basically you chill atoms to within a few billionths of a degree of absolute zero and you get a BEC). He's one of the reasons I came here. I wouldn't miss this for the world, even if it means I don't play as much on Sunday. Yay Physics!
Guys really seem to like me here. This is weird, but also extremely nice at the same time. I went on a Russian Club hike and spent pretty much the entire couple of hours talking to an aerospace engineering guy. He's pretty cool: skis a lot, smart, has extremely frickin' cool eyes. I don't think I'm terribly interested in him, but hey, ya never know...
Hmmm...well, I'm just putting off the HW I really ought to be doing right now. I s'pose I should be good and study. Later everybody!
Random Elvish word: iluvala "omnipotent"