Nothing has been going on. At All. I didn't go to sleep last night. i Fell asleep at like 11:00 a.m. and woke up at 2 dehydrated. It was not fun. My eyes barely opened, they stunk, i felt sick ack. It's been really hot here. I also heard "The Biggest Fan" was going to have a premier here, in LA. If that's true i'd like to go. I've heard good things about it. It would be fun, i need to go see austin powers 3, too. I don't know what to say. All that's been going on is eating, watching tv, not sleeping, and listening to old school rap stuff. Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Sir Mix A Lot, all those good things. so yeah. i also took a quiz, that i stol from Lindsay. It's somewhat true.
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