my first DRM

Apr 25, 2006 19:33

words do not express i'm having trouble thinking right now because i'm so angry.

I went into Virgin today--that place is the pit of darkness. everywhere you look there's another thing you want to buy for only $10. I passed up the new Streets album, the new Bubba Sparxxx, the new Placebo--I didn't even know Placebo had a new CD out. Anyway, I picked out two items to buy: Nogatco Rd., Kool Keith's new shit, and Big Boi's Got Purp? Vol. II, which I had only heard of to this point. I also grabbed the $10 special edition of Reservoir Dogs that was next to the checkout, and then made myself put it back. I'm supposed to be strapped for cash this week.

Anyway, I was back to the office when I looked at the Purp cd and saw the little logo: Content Protected. This felt worse than buying the clean version of an album by mistake. At least with that, I knew I could return it for a non-edited copy. I went online to write Big Boi an e-mail and let him know how I felt. I'm sure that he has no idea what DRMs do to your PC. (If anyone knows Big Boi's email, please let me know.)

First of all, let me say that I support artists foremost. To that extent, I want them to get paid, and I want their authorized agents to get paid, too. That's why I go to the music store and buy the CDs I do. I didn't go download the illegal copy--which are available, as everyone knows. I went to the store and became a customer of EMI, whose current anti-piracy strategy consists of shafting the consumers who actually support their business.

Anyway, hours later, I continue to be pissed off. First of all, I fucked up by not having reading the entirety of the EULA before I agreed to abide by its terms and conditions. I actually just installed it on my work PC in order to see what it would do. I burned a copy to Windows Media Player with no problem, but what I didn't understand is that I can only legally have one backup copy and I can only install the proper software to do that on one CD.  I am allowed to burn up to 3 copies of the CD, and 7 additional copies of each track, which is nice.  However, since I already installed the program on my work pc, I am not allowed to install it at home.  Since the work pc has no CD burner, this poses a problem.   Luckily, I can choose to terminate my contract by uninstalling the software from my computer, which I plan to do tomorrow.  Also, I just figured out I can still play the CD in the computer's cd player without agreeing to the EULA--I just can't use the backup or burn features.

I could go on and on--the license agreement is presented in a really annoying Flash viewer that completely blows-can't scroll normally, can't select or copy text, etc.  And is one of the worst-designed websites I've ever seen.   But at this point, I need to get some food inside me before I collapse in loathing and acrimony.

The good news is, the music works. 
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