Aug 30, 2004 22:13
I talked to Meagan tonight. : ) it was good to talk to her again. I missed her so much, I've been thinking about her a lot lately and how we didn't talk for almost a month. I can't live without that girl.
Meagan, Diana, and Dave were online tonight. thank god. Meagan wasn't on for the worst part though.
Dave and Diana were. They heard all about my night. I hyperventilated. I cried, histerically. I curled up in a little ball on my floor.
Would you like to know why? It's because of my sister. I babysit Joey all the time for her, I love that baby don't get me wrong but I babysit too much. I'm 15, almost 16 I'm not ready for my own baby, that's why I don't have one of my own. So I shouldn't get thrown with him everyday when I could be hanging out with my friends. Isn't that what kids our age should be doing, having a good time with their friends? .. well tonight I was supposed to hang out with Brittany. Jenn said she'd be home around 7:30-8:00 to pick Brit up from a party and then drive us back to Brittany's house for the night. Right now it is 10:18 she still isn't home.
here are some bits and pieces from me and Diana's conversation.
x CupidsVictum x: whats up
ExhibitE: not a lot.. just talking to people, lisetning to music.. you?
x CupidsVictum x: freaking out
x CupidsVictum x: i'm so pissed off
ExhibitE: what happened?!
ExhibitE: did jenn not pick up brittany?
x CupidsVictum x: jenn told me almost 3 hours ago that she'd be here in 45 minutes to bring me to brittany's everytiem i call her phone is etiehr off, her friends are in the backround making fun of me, or someone else answers the phone and wont give it to her
x CupidsVictum x: so i'm sitting here crying waiting to be picked up but obviously that isnt going to be soon
x CupidsVictum x: so i dont even know if i'll be able to sleepover brittany's
a little later in the convo..
ExhibitE: people are so immature sometimes
x CupidsVictum x: and i was telling my mom what was going on and eric was like then stop babysitting for her i was like ok how i tell her i dont want to and he's like say no i and i was half way into the kitchen and i was like omg i do say no but that obviously doesnt stop her from dropping off joey in the morning while i'm sleeping and thats when i started crying
ExhibitE: awww!!
x CupidsVictum x: i'm realy about to freak out i can't breath
ExhibitE: oh my god, I'm so sorry
ExhibitE: that's really terrible
ExhibitE: yeah, what Jenn's doing right now isn't right
ExhibitE: you spend more than half of your time babysitting joey.. like whenever I talk to you, you have joey and stuff.. and you think the least she could do is be there for you when you need a stupid ride in town
ExhibitE: taht's really lame of her to do
x CupidsVictum x: i called again and whoever picked up before that wouldnt give the phone to her was like hi is jenn there i was like shut up just give the phone to jenn and she was laughing in the backround and he was like she's crying here and she took the phone and was like hi and i was like jenn i love how your friends make fun of me and he was like haha is she gonna be alright and he kept laughing and then she's like hello and i couldnt even talk
x CupidsVictum x: shes like liz calm down and i hung up
ExhibitE: I can't beleieve she'd do that to you
x CupidsVictum x: it was so bad like a copule seconds ago i'm still not ok but i was like hyperventalating [spelling?] and i got on my floor and like curled up in a ball
x CupidsVictum x: ok lets try this again..
x CupidsVictum x: breath
x CupidsVictum x: this time she picked up and i was like ok jenn whena re you going to be home?! and she was like in a little bit i was like ok you said that four hours ago and she's like ok i was like you were supposed to be here to pick up brittany from a party and she's like i know.. ill be there soon
x CupidsVictum x: i was liek JENN! and she hung up
that's only part of the conversation.
The worst part is that Brittany is involved, she's still at this party and she's not sure if she has a ride home because we were both counting on Jenn. It wouldn't bother me as much if she just couldn't bring me to Brittany's to sleepover but it's the fact that Brittany is basically stranded at a party.
I'm calling her in 10 minutes, and if she says she's still in Manchester. She's going to die.
Thank god for Diana and Dave.
Thank you guys. For everything.
I'm going to go talk to them because I love them very much. <33333