May 31, 2004 19:20
ayo boo.
this weekend was pretty good. last week I stayed home on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I was really sick I didn't feel good at all. Friday I started to feel better so on Friday night I went over Meagan's because shes ungrounded now, and we decided to dress ghetto because we were going to the loop. So we were completely psyiched about dressing ghetto for some odd reason, we get to the loop we take one look at ourseleves in the mirror of the bathroom and we're like.. what the hell are we doing?! so we run out to her mom's car and drop off all the unecessary accessories. After that we met up with Lamarre, Lauren, and Andrea..? I didn't know who Andrea was but datz iight. We saw the movie Troy, it was ok I got bored at some points but datz iight too because Brad Pitt without a shirt.. hellz yess. Orlando Bloom?.. Hellz yess. silly. After the movies we dropped off Lamarre and picked up Chelsea from her hizzo, and we slept over Meagan's [monamona style] it was really fun, me and Meagan stayed up and laughed for so long it was a great time. The next day Chels had to leave early because she had to help open her pool. So after she left me and Meagan went to my house so I could finish a project and after that my mom drove us over to Chelsea's. Some people were over that day is kind of blank.. I don't really remember everything we did except for some stupid stuff but we were just being stupid kids and well no details needed. Sunday, Meagan left Chelsea's becuase she had to go to a family cookout..because she's too cool to come to mine. Sooooo, Elena came to Chelsea's along with Dan, Jeff, and Chris. We hung out for a while then Chelsea and Elena came to my family cookout and we ate lobster --so yummy. After we ate our lobster Jenn drove Elena home and when we got back we got to roast marshmellows ow oww. it was fun, and me and Chelsea did armpit/straw farts. it was so funny, the guy sitting next to Chelsea was like peeing himself, his laugh was hilarious. After that Jenn came back after going out somewhere and picked me, Chelsea, and Joey up and we went to her house and hung out and watched a movie then we fell asleep. Now its Monday, we have the day off because of Memorial Day. I DO NOT want to go to school tomorrow I really hate school so much, I can't wait until summer.. monamona is going to have crazyyy good times, I can just tell. off da hook. Today me and Meagan hung out all day but we didn't really do much, actually we did a lot of pointless things. I went to Meagan's, we went to my house, we went to Chelsea's house, we went to my house, Adam and Anthony came over, Meagan left. that's exactly how our day went.
I'm out.
nikkahhh please.