Jun 04, 2005 14:24
Okay so i should have had a lot of fun last night despite getting caught up in other peoples family dramas. Good people. Good music. Everybodys friendly even if I did get beat up by a girl. People being nice to me and people being rude and the only way I can strike back is when I decide whether or not to charge them their late fees next time they come into the store. My little bit of power makes me feel even smaller. If I was completely unable to retaliate then maybe I would be forced to take the higher ground.
A great night but I couldn't get entirely into it at times because I had the haunting feeling that one day Im not going to remember a single second of it. But right now I'm at home its the next morning (2:28 pm) and everything is still fresh in my head. All the songs we sung together last night are fresh in my head but I dont have a single one of them in my CD collection so instead I just keep turning what I do have up louder and louder.
It seems to suffice.