Title: Winter's Rose
noscrubs12345 Pairings: Glorfindel/Erestor
Rating: Gen
Summary: Their daughter is born two months too early, in the middle of winter when the snow drifts high and the light breaking through grey clouds is a dim farce of Anor's usual brilliance.
Warnings: Preterm birth, post mpreg, breastfeeding, ANGST like whoa
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JRR Tolkien, the Tolkien estate and New Line Cinema. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.
Notes: *plops down a box of tissues* Oh sweet Eru, I have no idea where all this angst came from! I needed a break from my longer fic, and this just sort of, well, happened.
Their daughter is born two months too early, in the middle of winter when the snow drifts high and the light breaking through grey clouds is a dim farce of Anor's usual brilliance. Erestor blames himself as he cradles her to his unclothed chest, tears falling silently as Merilwen fusses and cries and refuses to suckle. Even as close as he sits to the fire, his skin slippery with sweat, she shivers and shrinks into her blankets, the thickest and warmest to be found amongst the households of Gondolin.
Glorfindel’s hands are chilled from the wind and snow as they settle on his shoulders, icy fingers biting at overheated skin. Balancing Merilwen in the crook of one arm, Erestor seizes one of those strong hands, nails biting into honeyed skin. Glorfindel clings back just as fiercely, leaning in to kiss away the salty streams from the nearest cheek.
His hand easily dwarfs Merilwen’s tiny frame as one callused finger strokes her cheek, the sight wringing a new sob from Erestor. But he breathes a little easier, tears running with relief and something akin to joy, as she grips her ada's finger, deceptively strong in spite of her size, and tilts her head to finally begin to feed.