Book Club: Ex Machina (2/3)

Jun 06, 2009 08:30

A few thoughts on Chapters 1 and 2 of State of Emergency.

It's a book that's full of ideas we could have massive discussion about pretty much every scene in this book. We'll save a lot of that for the last post that will bring a lot of these ideas together.

Angotti batters The Great Machine for being irresponsible and for getting one of her officers hurt. Is it irresponsible to take it upon yourself to be a hero? Should Hundred just have left the crime fighting to the badges, or does he have the great responsibility that comes with his great power?

The power of words - Lincoln used them to change the world, Trista Braving uses them to offend it and Hundred uses them to save it. First off, what else links these three characters? Secondly, are words really more powerful than actions?

How bad a day are you having when your toaster calls you, well, a racist?

Does a story like this work without any idea of who the villain is, or what the motivation is? Pherson is mentioned, but never shown and is definitely unrelated to the shooting.

The two books end on basically the same cliffhanger - the person in the parka standing on an empty street, over the body of a dead snow plough driver. Why?

What role does the Tidy Bowl Killer play in this (answer: none, but you should pay close attention to him).

ex machina, book club: discussion

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