Comics In These Hard Economic Times (This Week!)

Apr 21, 2009 21:28

It's about nine-thirty pm on Tuesday here, but Days of the Week don't really matter to me that much anyway... These weeks just keep on coming! Soon we'll be old and gray-haired and our eyes will be all sunken and we'll be saying things like "In my day, we had to fight for non-sleazy super heroines, you ungrateful whippersnappers!"

YES. ANYWAY. I'll get back on topic.

- Comics you are purchasing this week with your hard-earned (or stolen from the rich) money
- Comics you are not purchasing this week because you wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole thank-you-very-much
- Comics you are not purchasing but wish you were because you are suffering from these hard economic times, poor you
- Comics that you think you might purchase but maybe not or maybe you will, you really cannot decide

(In case you haven't noticed, I don't like saying things the same way twice)

weekly comics

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