Mar 17, 2012 14:52
Just in and of itself, it’s kinda Do Not Want. It reads pretty much as “SHIELD trains a teenage Peter Parker to be the Ultimate Spiderman as a pretext for Marvel to sell a heap of toys”.
And to be honest, in yet another stirring example of navel-gazing brand disonance by the comics industry, I think they’ve missed a huge opportunity.
This Spiderman should have been Miles Morales.
It’s clear that the PTBs are looking for a synergy with both the upcoming Amazing Spiderman and The Avengers filmsin much the same way the animated Wolverine & the X-Men tried to play off X-Men Origins. I say The Avengers because of the heavy presence of both SHIELD and blackdude!Nick Fury. You know, the one from The Ultimates who has managed to completely replace original whitedude!Nick in every single Marvel property since Marvel introduced him.
The Ultimate [Blah] brand is clearly what this series is riffing off, both in name and essentially the basic set up of the series. You know, only a few months after a huge publicity push to establish Miles as the new Ultimate(verse) Spiderman. A cartoon about Fury training Miles as the new Spiderman, determined to make him ready for the sort of things that removed Peter from the role, would have been an utterly genius way to introduce a version of the character to a much wider audience than a bunch of comics could reach.
But no. As with the up coming movie, the PTBs seem determined to make sure everyone thinks of Spidey as some wise cracking white kid.
race and comics,
ultimate marvel,
nick fury