An interview with Scott McCloud, presented in diagram form.
Q: I'd like to propose a sophomore English course that includes making comics. What kind of support or rationale would you make for a proposal like that?
A: The recipient of your reasoning really has to be convinced that though we really love language, we're primarily in the business of conveying meaning. And one can best understand the nature of language, and the means by which we convey meaning through words, by being to understand words in the context of other forms of communication.
That which is ubiquitous becomes invisible. If words are our only tool for communication, we begin to lose sight of the nature of words. And to bring into the mix the creation of meaning through other means, I think, not only gives those other means their due, but I think helps to illuminate the beauty and power of that original form of communication.
And, it's just a lot of fun.
Sorry for my spamminess, but I'm catching up on my comic blog feed tonight. :D