I made a little comment in the post for this week's comics, but I have more things to say and not many places to discuss them. So, what did people think of
Heralds #1?
Did it have a bit of the usual Immonen wtf-ness? There were some points where I felt that I just wasn't understanding what the writer and artist wanted me to. I know that Patsy Walker: Hellcat was as mental as a bouncy castle full of frogs, but I spent most of the series going "huh"?
There's some bits where the dialogue is ambigious and possible not in the intentional way. When the dinosaurs are attacking Las Vegas, nothing in the art told me that there were clones of famous scientists in there too. I had to reread Agent Brand's dialogue to work out that a) it was the scientists, not the dinosaurs that were cloned and b) it was cloned famous scientists that were running around, not S.W.O.R.D. scientists. I guess that I felt that we weren't seeing what we needed to see for the storytelling to make sense.
Apart from that, I enjoyed it. The Scott/Emma stuff was funny and fun, the scenes with Frankie were odd, but quite sweet and "real."
I do like the art on this and I enjoyed it in Iron fist and Marvel Divas. I just wish that Patsy got rid of her bob; long hair works better on her for me.
I'm definitely intrigued and shall be continuing to buy this comic.