Remember how I postulated the concern that Marvel was going to eventually bump up the price on Amazing Spider-Man from $2.99 to $3.99
as mentioned in this post? Well, guess what we found out today?
If you read the letters pages in the back of this weeks Amazing Spider-Man #627 (the first part of Roger Stern's "Something Can Stop the Juggernaut"), Steve Wacker informed his readers the following:
On the subject of back-ups though we do have some planned starting next issue [#628] with a story by Mark Waid, Tom Peyer, and Todd Nauck dealing with Pete's unemployment woes. Then in #629, we bring a special prologue to next month's Spider-Epic "SHED" by Zeb Wells and Chris Bachalo featuring the bloody and brutal return of...The Lizard!
You know what this also means, right? You guessed it...Issues #628 and #629--which used to cost $2.99--are now going to be $3.99 instead! So if you want to finish reading the rest of Roger Stern's story, you're going to now have to shell out $8.00 thanks to some last minute back-up features when you originally we're going to only pay $6.00.
Oh, and look, Marvel also happens to be giving the "heads-up" to the retailers: How "nice" and "thoughtful" of them!
Gee, aren't you so glad Marvel just decided to jack-up the price at the last minute?
UPDATE: Well, the Marvel catalog on their website still lists issue #629 as $2.99, but still advertise the Well's back-up feature. So either they haven't updated the cost of the issue, or, if that is the regular price, it essentially would mean that part 3 of "Something Can Stop the Juggernaut" will be shorter in order to make up for the back-up and to keep the cost down. Which means that either a) you may to pay more for the comic, or b) you're going to get short-changed with regards to part 3 of Stern's story--all thanks to a back-up feature that's supposed to be a "prologue" for a story arc that starts the very next issue!
UPDATE 2: It appears the adveritisement about the back-up feature for issue #628 was posted on March 17, 2010. So it does appear Marvel did give a little advanced warning beforehand. But even so...