Flesh! Brains! Jellybeans!

Jul 14, 2009 22:35

Ladies, gentlemen, and gender-non-specific human beings, the Blackest Night is upon us!

I hope by now you have prepared your alcohol and put 911 on standby if you are playing stubbleupdate's Blackest Night drinking game, or raided your local candy store/grocery/Jelly Belly factory for thehefner's Alcohol-Free Bean Variant.

While we have seen quite a few names on that long laundry list of heroes and villains who will be returning from the grave sporting some fancy new jewelry, is there anyone you're really hoping to see among the legions of undead? Or somebody you're hoping to NOT see?

Do you think New Gods count as viable candidates? Do you think Vibe and the dead Detroit League members will be left out? Would a zombiefied Sue Dibny really be a horrible threat to anyone? (I kind of want to see her get into a zombie fistfight with Jean Loring. Same with Ted Kord and Max. Black Hand wouldn't know what to do with them.)

Make your predictions now, folks! Because tomorrow (or Thursday if you live outside the U.S., or later if you can't get to the comic shop until the end of the week/the weekend) the dead rise for reals, and they're not going to do the Thriller dance!

...Unless they totally do.

green lantern

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