i posted this on myspace and thought i'd re-post it here.

Jan 23, 2006 20:25

so i saw that theres a list on here of some of the Soldiers who have died in iraq.

it makes me sad, but upsets me at the same time. i had a friend from basic die over there...he was 19. my room mate just heard that a girl from her basic/AIT got killed. one of my best friends is over there now and i havent heard from her in awhile [although shes never been good at keepin' in touch but i still worry] and i'm going by the end of this year.

i just wanted to say thank you. thank you to the people who care about Soldiers and pray for us. thank you to the people who send us care packages while we're deployed and thank you to the people who proudly show their support of the United States Army and the other branches of military.

to those of you who dont support us...its ur life. ur opinion. but remember this...all those who have been injured or died, and all those who have yet to go to the sandbox but soon will...we fight for you. we proudly raised our right hand and swore to defend this nation so that people like you can sit in ur house and complain because u think we shouldnt be over there...u think they dont want us there. have u been to iraq? PROLLY NOT. have u talked to anyone from iraq? I DOUBT IT. do you live ur life day by day, getting shot at and praying, praying that you and your military family make it home safely?NO. have you ever come up on one of ur buddies bleeding out and had to tell them that they were gonna live, and theyd be ok, as you called for help, knowing full well that they didnt have much time left to live? NO. the Soldiers in iraq do.

this great nation of ours doesnt use the draft. we dont make people join the military. everyone who has joined has done so VOLUNTARILY.

so please do me a favor. stop complaining about how bad the war is and that we should be there. sure some of those people dont want us there...but a lot of them do. i have NCOs and fellow Soldiers who have been there...talked to the people...and lost best friends to IEDs and sniper fire. dont ruin the memory of those Soldiers who have given their lives, THEIR LIVES for this country and for you, by basicly saying that they died for nothing. and if you do speak ur mind, and u have this point of view, please...dont do it around me.

I am a PROUD Soldier in the United States Army
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