my friend whos an LT posted this on myspace and it made me happy.
The US has introduced the Military Readiness Enhancement Act (MREA) to congress (March 2005), (link is below). The MREA would essentially lift the ban on gays in the US military. Would we get the same benefits as our straight counterparts-----------no but fuckin bloody hell it is about time we lift the ban, huge start!!!!
Sisters and their partners in the military keep yourself informed...
If you can sign a petition to support the MREA DO IT
If you can talk about being gay in the military then DO IT
If you can help other sisters who are in the military and are being harassed then DO IT
If you can have your partner pin your rank on during a promotion then fuckin DO IT
I am, will, and have been doing all of the above...Change comes from within so if you are in the ranks then stand yourself.......stand up for each other.....try it it feels really good: )!!
If your not in the military you have a voice a HUGE voice so help us who are on active duty in the US military...
I could go on forever about being gay and in the military but....
The link is: