The following chart is in fact maintained by Sakura in-game. The hearts are dots of color rather than hearts, and there is no key to be found anywhere.
♔ Hatake, Kakashi♦♦
♔ Uchiha, Sasuke♦♦
♔ Uzumaki, Naruto♦♦
♕ Envy♦☤²☢¹
☈ ¿
♙ Houshakouji, Renge
♙ Hummel, Kurt
♘ Wayne, Bruce☐
♕ Amaterasu "Taiyou"♦♦☤¹☠¹
♘ Aragaki, Shinjiro♦♦
♘ Elric, Edward♦
♙ Estheim, Hope
♘ Fan, Ran♦☣
♕ Flowright, Fai D.♦♦☤²
♘ Fuery, Kain♦
♙ Gainsborough, Aerith
♗ Hakkai, Cho
♘ Hawkeye, Riza♦
♖ Kamina
♖ Monou Fuuma Kamui
♘ Karma, Alma♦
♗ Koushaku, Chouno∅♦
♙ Makino, Ruki
♘ Meiling, Hong♦♦
♙ Minamimoto, Sho
♘ Mustang, Roy♦
♕ Nails, Badou☣
♙ Nakamori, Aoko
♙ Naminé
♙ Nightray, Vincent☢º
♙ Solo, Han
♖ Renson, Alexander Wuertz☐
♙ Xion
♘ Yuy, Heero☐
♗ Zexion
♕ Aphrodite♦♦♦☢¹
♙ Axel
♙ Bito, Raimu "Rhyme"
♗ Fabre, Luke fon
♙ Fenton, Danny
♕ Genkaku
♕ Greed♦♦☤²☯
♕ Hades
♘ Havoc, Jean♦
♙ Hemeros, Jamie
♙ Hibana, Daida☐☢³
♙ Hitachiin, Hikaru
♘ Ichimaru, Gin
♙ James
♘ Kazuma, Kuwabara♦
♕ Kimblee, Solf J.♦
♙ Kiryu, Joshua
☈ v2.0
♙ Kotaro, Katsura
♘ Lee, Lenalee♦
♙ Marvin
♙ Maxwell, Duo
♙ Minako, Arisato
♕ Minamimoto, Sho "Leo Cantus"
♗ Zexion Mona
♘ Oswald
♙ Ratchet
♙ Ride, Maximum
♙ Riku
♙ Robinson, Wilbur
♕ Scarlet, Flandre♦♦
♙ Shana
♘ Tohru, Adachi
♙ Tsume
♘ Ukitake, Joushirou♦♦
♙ Wild, Arietta the
♘ Yakumo, Ran
♘ Yao, Ling☣☯
♙ Yoite
[ on an unrelated note, if you're curious about how Sakura feels on any given character, comment to this entry with that character's name. ALOHA! ]